>'lant' both a noun and a verb?

yes, lant is an old Saxon noun (ca. 1000) which got verbed around 1630. and my experience of ales makes this whole thing suspicions confirmed. in fact, some of the ones I've tasted must have been *double-lanted*. <g>

check out this 1630 citation:
1630 Tinker of Turvey Ded. Ep. 5, I have drunke double~lanted Ale, and single-lanted, but never gulped downe such Hypocrenian liquor in all my life.

p.s. - I think it was maverick who threw 'hippocrene' (the Hypo- is listed as "erron.") at us once upon a time. too bad he's not around to explain this allusive use to us.

p.p.s. - as somebody or else might say, proxy schmoxy..