A recent visitor to Rome told me he had seen a sign beside
a shallow swimming pool near the Vatican, with a sign reading: Natatores Sic Urinatores Non .

Date: Thu Jun 12 00:03:08 EDT 1997
Subject: A.Word.A.Day--urinator
X-Bonus: Mothers all want their sons to grow up to be president but they don't want them to become politicians in the process. -John F. Kennedy

u.ri.na.tor n. [L., from urinari to plunge under water, to dive.] One who
dives under water in search of something, as for pearls; a diver.

Treason's Harbour, Fontana Paperback, pp. 195.
"`It is well known that I am a urinator,' said Stephen, looking at him
firmly, `and in recent hours I have felt a great moral pressure on me to