Subject: Post

This game was played on another forum I used to frequent, so I thought I would try it here. (if it has already been done, please just let me fade away quietly :)

The point is to announce arrivals to the Ball of your choice. One combination is to announce a Mr and Mrs and then their offspring......the first name of the offspring combined with the family name, is losely suggestive of something pertaining to that Ball. Like so:

Announcing arrivals to the Musicians Ball:

They had a rocky start, but are finally here: Mr and Mrs Ling Stones and their errant son Ro Ling Stones.
Or, the guests could just be a couple and the shortened version of their names is indicative of the Ball theme, like so:

A warm welcome please, to Theodore and Monica Keys.....otherwise known as The & Mon Keys.
Another idea for a Ball is the Food and Beverage Ball:

Announcing from France, the ever tasteful Monsieur et Madame Tay, and their daughter, Pat Tay.
So, does it make sense? Does it sound like fun? I will start us off with a continuation of the Food and Beverage Ball. (feel FREE to change the Ball at anytime)

Please check the guest list for Mr. Salsa and his offspring: Chip S, Ann Salsa.