Thanks, Faldage--I like having my mind set at ease about such things (geez, I must be on a roll: that first came out as my mind set at east {hmm--I do always seem to be running in circles...}). Anyway--I like the list of similar phrases he has at the end. Though "30" was lost on me. I also liked the list of questions at the bottom. This one will keep me bemused for a bit: In my personal and family development class (home ec) my teacher said that salt and pepper are married, so that's why they always have to stay by each other. If they are, then one has to be the husband and the other the wife. All of the people I've asked have agreed that the pepper would be the husband and the salt the wife. Well, what if the fork, knife, and spoon were a family. Which would be the dad, the mom, and the kid, and would the kid be a boy or a girl?