This word was posted a long time ago, but I'll bet few if any remember it. If "suppurate"
means to become filed with pus, what does "epurate" mean? it's not in my dictionary.
Here's a quote, then I'll look again for definition:
"Of course the idea of claiming identities that we have been taught to despise is an old
one in feminism. In fact the idea of claiming an identity in feminism is already an heroic
gesture, considering how negative the connotations are. Since the 70's the new wave
[of feminism] has been claiming all sorts of identities. The idea to repossess
them, and redefine them is the creative mimetic strategy that Irigaray -among others -
theorises. In a sense Judith Butler, with her parodies, is also in that same tradition.
You possess, you reoccupy, you revisit locations which they have coined negatively. By
repeating the gesture you epurate them of their charge, and try to do something
positive with them. "

Here's an old post about "epurate":
epurate, epuration - earliest post I can find is by
tsuwm Wed Dec 27 16:37:53 2000, but
he may have been replying to earlier post which was deleted my mfa

Edit: Since nobody else bothered to check, this is the third time "epuration"
has been Today's Word. Wordsmith needs some help. But from someone
much better qualified than I can claim to be.