hogwash :: ketchcraft

choose one:

a) the art of astral projection, causing one's spirit to leave one's body and appear to other people

b) the Wiccan practice of casting spells to ensure the proper functioning of food preparation

c) the art of sauce making

d) delicate woodwork detailing such as may be found decorating pews and pillars in churches and cathedrals; the art of carving such detailing

e) an ancient Masonic body of metaphysical knowledge attained through the practice of necromancy and ritualistic chant

f) the art of making ketchup

g) the hangman's craft (from Jack Ketch, a famous London executioner, c. 1663-1686)

h) a type of strong brown paper used esp. for making lunch bags or sacks (also formerly, used to refer to a sackcloth garment worn by an offender when doing public penance)

i) the process of manufacturing masts for single-masted sailing vessels used primarily in light craft obstacle maneuvers (handling) and racing

j) the art of drawing with tomato sauce

k) the creation of artworks meant to be impermanent, i.e. sculptures made of sand, ice, or foam

l) whittling

m) cooking with ketchup

n) Scandinavian cabinetry making

o) If it isn't boat building it sure as hell ought to be.

(entries from Wordwind, slithy, wofa, W-O'N, *TEd, Bingley, Faldage, bonzai, mg, ASp, 'sick, Jeepers, consuelo, joe f.)

*I think his was more of a protest-vote than an entry but.

also, I'll take this opportunity to announce a new, occasional hogwash® auxiliary award, the 'Armadillo Roadside Memorial' (ARMil®); nominations for this award are open in concert with the regular voting, and any decision on the awarding of the ARMil will be arbitrarily and capriciously taken by the hogmaster® (i.e., me) based upon nominations received from the hogminions (i.e., y'all).