
>from the AHD:


PRONUNCIATION: lim [my edit: lime]
TRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: limned, limn·ing (limnng), limns
1. To describe. 2. To depict by painting or drawing. See synonyms at represent.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English limnen, to illuminate (a manuscript), probably alteration (influenced by limnour, illustrator) of luminen, from Old French luminer, from Latin luminre, to illuminate, adorn, from lumen, lumin-, light. See leuk- in Appendix I.
OTHER FORMS: limner (limnr) —NOUN

*many of the quick defititions of limn give "to outline" as the meaning.

[the paste deleted all the hash marks and their letters, and I had to put the letters back in. The "U"s in lumen and all it's forms are the ong yoo (hey, that has to be a word wentworth, how else to say it and not be another word? ), and the "i" in lim is long...lime]

So in sports where you outline select portions of the field with lime (in baseball, for instance), technically you're limning the batter's box with lime. However, it seems lime has taken over as the verb in modern usage, so we now just say "lime the batter's box", and the word lime takes over both functions as verb and noun.