Several years ago there was a spate of popularity for a game generally referred to as "Equation Analysis," the paradigm being "26 = L in the A" and the challenge being to expand the initials to make a more-or-less correct equation, thus: "26 = Letters in the Alphabet". Or "54 = C in a D (with the J)", expanding to "54 Cards in a Deck (with the Jokers)."

This led Sid McKeen, a Worcester columnist, and others, I'm sure to run a series of such contests from time to time, each a list of twenty-six examples, take-you-out-to-lunch for a prize.

He wisely took the precaution of including in the instructions for readers this bit of wisdom:
"The correct answers are what is written on a slip of paper kept in the upper right-hand drawer of my desk" or words to that effect.
And without taking any of the fun out of the exercise, I might add...

Oh yes, and he also invited readers to send in their own examples. Any takers? Maybe a new thread? Is the name "Equation Analysis" copyrighted?