an article about this in Scientific American a long time ago. No way of finding that

I remember that article too, can't locate it immediately. The most recent mention of it is in

"...In Brief; March 2000; by Collins, Musser, Martindale,Yam; 3 Page(s)
Heart of Darkness; Superbug Cleans Up; Moon Illusion Explained; Lou Gehrig's Virus?; Surrogate Cat; One Last Stretch; Shrinking to Survive; Organic Space"

located through Archives. Only goes back to 1993, though.

A few years ago Scientific American offered a complete index of lhe last fifty years of so on a floppy disc; I don't know whether they still do. By now they could have a CD with the complete library on it, as like National Geographic does. I should look into it again; I have all the issues (just about) back to 1949 or so when the New Management took over (Gerald Piel, Dennis Flanagan, etc.) and it would be handy!