Adaptation is a must-see. It's a very clever movie, filled with the sort of understated almost-self-depricating humour that has a deeper meaning if you are looking for it, but is still funny unto itself. Very well cast and acted, especially Cage.

Bowling for Columbine, though in parts inaccurate, is nonetheless though-provoking and littered with typical Mike Moore humour, which is good if that's your thing. Will undoubtedly be more popular outside the States as it's also typical Mike Moore US-bashing.

Donnie Darko is probably the best film I have seen in the past ... well 6 months or so. A black thought provoking almost comedy with a surprisingly accurate portrayal of a teenage boy with schizophrenia. Nice twist at the end.

Frida is a slightly less than accurate portrayal of the life of .. well ... Frida. Not my cup of tea but reasonably well acted.

No ieda about the other three you were after. The Hours is suppsed to be good. About Schmidt looks like it will be carried by Jack.

As for more mainstream movies, The Ring was very good, though not quite up to the original. It was, not surprisingly, a little Hollywoodified. Catch Me If You Can is not a great story and a little long, but very well acted, especially Leo, and Christopher Walken. The Cat's Meow is also worth a watch, if only for an intersting take on the events and the times.