In reply to:

I didn't necessarily mean that hard Gs are turning into soft Gs all the time. Just that things start off one
way and get perverted, sometimes almost immediately.

That's what I took your comment to mean, Faldage. I wasn't hoping for more examples of gees changing their hardness or softness - more of other examples of pronunciations in general changing, owing to a mispronunciation becoming current. I just cain't think of any examples myself at the moment.

Sorta like Cholmondely being pronounced "Chumly" - only not like that, since I don't know if that was a mispronunciation (how could it be? but it's a confusing name!) in the first place. Only other thing that springs to mind is "glacier," which Brits and Antipodeans pronounce with a short "a" and North Americans pronounce with a long "a."

But not really like that, either....

Ah, sod. I know what I mean and Faldage knows what I mean. I just cain't think of an example. Wish I could....