I have enjoyed reading messages in the various forums, and am submitting my contribution.

Guide Word Phrases
from Webster’s II, New College Dictionary, 2001 (Houghton Mifflin)

ancillary—anesthesia: a rubber mallet in case the drugs don’t work.

burglar—bursary: where it seems a lot of our taxes go.

census—centripetal force: trying to keep track of the kids while going around in circles.

convergent evolution—convulse: reaction to the realization that god didn’t make every little thing just so.

crystal ball—cud: seeing that the future will be the same old thing.

deductible—defense: tax write-off for the bombs and tanks.

ecstatic—editor: one who receives perfect copy on a scoop.

floral—fluctuate: changing the plants in the window box.

gemütlich—generosity: happily giving everything away.

hoggish—holiday: New Orleanians keeping a fun thing all to themselves.

holier-than-thou—Holy Week: for the ones who don’t approve of fun things.

howling—humanity: the crowd at Starbuck’s (coffee house) at 7:50 a.m.

inferiority complex—inflorescence: coming out of your shell.

intentional—interface: deliberately allowing communication to actually take place.

jailbird—jaunt: got only as far as the road.

kiwi—knobkerrie: a small club to squash birds or fruit.

ladies’ man—Lamarckian: like father, like son.

melodramatic—Mendelian: wringing your hands while waiting to find out if yours will be the one in four.

misanthropic—misfortune: being shipwrecked on a desert island, with the all of the ship’s passengers and crew.

mukluk—multiped: shoeing the dogsled team.

nicotinic—nihilism: nothing matters anyway so why not smoke.

outlive—outspend: what the kids are going to do.

personal computer—pervasive: indeed!

perverse—petition: the so-called “Defense of Marriage” act.

plastic—platoon: those green toy soldiers.
preschool—presidential: INDEED!

quag—quantum: It’s just one thing after another.

quintuplet—quoth: wa-wa-wa-wa-wa

Received Pronunciation—reciprocity: I say, you pronounce my wuds the way I like, and I’ll pronounce yoors the way you like. Cheerio.

renewedly—repel: what you keep doing to that blasted fly.

resegregation—resistance: no, we are NOT going back to that.

retroactive—revelation: god meant “celebrate” not “celibate.”

revelatory—revisionism: June 1978, OK, blacks CAN join the Mormon priesthood after all.

sacramental—safe sex: god didn’t mean go forth and overmultiply. . .

sentient—septum: the nose knows.

slipped disk—slow: if you have one, you will be.

slow burn—slush fund: what you do when you find out they have one.

slut—smeary: <oh yuk, but I couldn’t resist>

subjective—subordinate: stop worrying, you only think you’re inferior.

superlunary—suppliant: now you want the stars, too?

takedown—tales: a wrestler’s stories.

tequila—ternary: three strikes and you're out.

Triple Crown—trivia: stats for the last 20 years.

unconquerable—underclothing: the medieval chastity belt.

unintelligent—universality: everyone else “out there.”

variant—vasectomy: using scissors instead of a scalpel.

verdict—vernier: what the scales of justice need sometimes.

wraparound—write: when there’s no more room at the bottom of the page and you start up the side.

xanthene—x-ray tube: <I tried. . . YOU think of something>

yokel—yuck: what the city folk think of the country folk.

zodiacal light—Zr: A faint and hazy cone of light; lustrous, strong, and grayish-white.

