Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesaurus:

pg 617:
sunken / superstar: Michael Jackson.......

pg 241:
folly / footwork: Flirty Dancing (ok, so, I took poetic license with the def of folly....but being flirty could be considered a folly, and I could not resist rhyming Dirty Dancing :)

pg 433:
open air / opiate: A drug so powerful, one must ingest it in the open air, lest he infects everyone in the building with it......

pg 293:
hobo / holiday: Why, a holiday for hobos, of course!

pg 377:
manly / mansion: A mansion full of manly mans........

pg 597:
splinter / sportsman: Someone who enjoys digging splinters out of other people's skin, as a contact sport.......

pg 466:
picturesque / pile: What some art noveau types might call a pile of junk......

PG 296:
hostile / housewife: A given........

pg 295:
homework / hooey: What my son would say about the school work he is forced to do at home.....

amaretto / amethyst: An oxymoron by Greek standards.......

pg 661:
turtleneck / two: A high necked sweater for a two headed turtle......

pg 677:
uptight / usage: People who are uptight about the proper usage of words like "longue" and "lounge"........

pg 642:
timber / tinkle: When timber goes......well, you 'know'......

pg 615:
sucker / suit: No definition needed....wev'e all worn one........