the frequent description of one's home as such-and-such county, rather than a town. True. I've said before, that Kentucky is primarily a rural state. Most people from other parts might know two cities here (mine and yours), and possibly that place up there across from Cincinnati [tongue in cheek e]. My guess is that most people, if asked to name towns they can think of in KY, wouldn't name our capital. Even I have no idea of where a great many small towns are, but I usually have a general idea of where a county is, if I hear a name. Many counties are known primarily for their high school; I could tell, for ex., at some band competitions, that in some places a (or the) high school seems to be the main focus of the area.
I wish some of these die-hard supporters would give some of that energy to a.) not only encouraging all the kids to finish high school, but b.) to give some thought to the fact that there is life after high school, and they'd be doing themselves a favor to be preparing for something better than waitressing or coal mining. A side note: when there's a menial job to be done, or we pass construction workers working in foul weather, my husband will say to our kid(s), "See? This is why you want to get a college diploma!"