Thanks Trusty, for the poser. Had lots of fun with it. U still havent said that this is what u were looking for, though.
Ran a check on Contranyms and the search threw up some lovely stuff. Apparently, its not a word thats as yet entered into the dictionaries, but is in use.
Usage traced back to (as far as I could go, might be earlier): David Grambs, 1984, Words about Words.
Definition: Words that are their own antonyms/ a word that has two opposing meanings. Commonest example is 'Cleave' : break apart or split, as also, stick fast or adhere.
1.Homonymic or Homographic contranyms (same spelling) eg. Cleave
2. One site lists another variety; Homophonic contranyms (different spellings, same pronunciation). Am not so convinced however. Seemed like some were just improper pronunciations. Oh dear! fear am opening the flood gates here! Check the following links for more examples.
'Homophones'- words that are pronounced the same, but differ in meaning, origin and spelling. eg. reed/read