This paragraph from the article link you just posted is insightful, soojin:

>Attorney Kim Hyun-soo of the USFK's Judge Advocate Division explains that the U.S. judicial system makes it more difficult to prove the charge of the accused than in Korea because of the U.S. law focusing on human rights protection and requiring prosecutors to prove the allegation "beyond reasonable doubts."< well as the fact that you took the trouble to highlight every US and us wherever it appears in every word in every paragraph throughout the entire article in blood red!

...and also the fact that you didn't have the courtesy to respond to any of the posts here, and just put up another link.

(what say you to all this, Pfranz?)

soojin, as you already know, your presence is very welcome on the board, and I (and I'm sure all the others) look forward to many more linguistic and insightful exchanges with you...but perhaps you're too new to know that long ago, after our experiences in political discourse after the terrorist attacks on September 11th, we reached a consensus that postings for the sole purpose of any political agenda were not in harmony with the linguistic focus of the board. We have lapsed into such discourse a time or two, albeit in a much more civil and generic tone than in the past. But we try hard to avoid such discussions openly here. (however, you're welcome to query anyone about any topic in private).

I fear this thread is now on a track to opening old and new wounds among friends, and I suggest this would be a good point for it to cease...IMHO.

This will be my last post to this thread.

[Edit: gee, thanks for that fusillade of extra links, soojin...I won't be opening them]