By's post reminded me of a query I meant to launch here before my cyber meltdown distracted me.

There are times when I'm out driving, or even walking sometimes, when suddenly, and for no apparent reason, the utterly familiar takes on this strange aura of total, raw, unfamiliarity, sometimes even to the point of acutally becoming disoriented in my mind's eye for a few seconds, actually asking myself "where am I?" until the familar snaps back into focus. It's a peculiar sensation that I find intriguing, actually. But I guess other folks experience this too...the familiar becoming totally unfamiliar for a few seconds or more...suddenly, you don't know where you are, even though you're on a most familiar stretch of road, and everything just looks totally unfamiliar for awhile, and then it comes back into familiar focus.

But is there a word for this? (and, no, it's not vertigo )

This is a serious proposition though...and if there's not a word for this experience can we coin one?