I was born to be a Hogmaster. For half my adult life, ten years or so, my dream has been to be a Hogmaster like tsuwm. But no more. I am disillusioned. The Hogmaster heros who once stood as tall as the Loblolly Pines now stand lower than the the mud under the mussel shells of Dolebury Creek. (Dolebury Creek ran through my Uncle Dan's farm near Holkes Bluff Alabama. I went there every summer when I was a kid. Boy did we have fun.) Now I find that I no longer have any interest in becoming a Hogmaster. Now I find I have no interest in anything at all. I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll just wander around from town to town doing good deeds and try to help others like me who have been taken in by slick charlatans who stole their dreams and left them broken hearted. Yeah... Or maybe...

I'll find me a crack crooked trial lawyer and sue tsuwm for punitive damages and then I'll own the Hogwash copyright and then I'll change the spelling to Hawgwarsh (c.) and then I'll tell tsuwm and his suckleberry friends to take a hike. Yeah, that's what I'll do.