SPAM - I could hardly credit my ears.
Discovered the following while watching "The 1940s House" - a BBC TV program set and filmed in England on a family living as people did in WW II years 1939-1945. All crammed into nine weeks. Fascinating. Did you see it in UK?
In scence "set" about late '44 when US goods began to appear on grocers' shelves. Sure enough the grocer showed the can of SPAM to the Mother and said it was(is) Specially Processed American Meat.
Can it be true?
It's a pretty well researched program.
Is the mystery of the "mystery meat" solved at last thanks to BBC TV and the experts contracted for the series?

SPAM post by tsuwm on Nov 4 ( saving you the link)

the next edition of OED will include their word-of-the-day:
SPAMming, n. NEW EDITION: draft entry June 2001
Computing slang.
The practice of sending irrelevant, inappropriate, or unsolicited postings or e-mails over the Internet, esp. indiscriminately and in very large numbers; an instance of this.

[1993 Wired Dec. 32/4 SPAMmin'To speak aimlessly on a mishmash of topics. To stuff someone's brain with information of questionable content.] 1994 San Francisco Chron. (Nexis) 28 Apr. E7 People around the world started flooding Canter and Siegel's mailbox, sending junk faxes to the fax number that was in the ad, and basically doing everything possible to overload them. (This is known as SPAMming.) 1995 Wired Mar. 46/1 Boldt lists the e-mail addresses of people responsible for junk e-mail and Net SPAMming so you can easily add them to your kill file or mail bomb 'em back. 1999 Independent 7 Dec. I. 15/6 The practice of flooding e-mail, ‘SPAMming’ in English, meanwhile is pollu-postage, from pollution and public post.