The Current Challenge (given November 10, 2002)

Name a well-known European city. Remove the first two letters to get the name of another well-known European city. What cities are these? Hint: These are two major cities with populations of over 250,000.

Ah Ha! NPR comes up with a tricky one. First impulse is to answer...

Venice minus Ve equals Nice, France. But no, we sophisticates know that although pronounced "Nice", the city is spelled "Neece", and therefore doesn't qualify.

But I bet my bottom dollar we can come up with another pair.
What do ya think?

And Dodyskins,

"Okay tirade over, this'll make you laugh, blind people only get a 50% reduction off the tv license." ~ Dody

You were right... On the floor. In the hall. On the wall.
All the way to the bank. And back. etc. , ___________