choose one:

a) supper-loving

b) inclined to vomit; squeamish

c) having small hollow appendages

d) (usu. describing a word or term) generally understood; not restricted to a local dialect

e) a description of the face as having taken up a fishlike appearence in extreme old age

f) referring to the time just before sunrise

g) obviously anachronistic; antiquated

h) having an abundance of phlegm

i) pebbled or corny texture of tree bark or human epidermis

j) the effect of sunlight on the bottom of clouds near sunset

k) referring to rituals taken in preparation for the execution of a condemned prisoner, in particular allowing the prisoner to choose his last meal, the reading of the last rites, and other similar solemnities

l) an exclamation of mock incredibility aping ichthyologist T.Francis Hare who, when told of a live 65 million year old fossil Coelacanth being caught off the coast of Cape Town in 1938, replied "Ridiculous!"

m) of or relating to weaving

n) arising from the embryologic foregut

o) the feeling of exposure one gets walking into a banquet full of people seated

p) tending toward dyspepsia

q) a glutton for punishment

r) term applied to depictions of the Last Supper; so called because the supper took place in a coenaculum, the large room in which the latest meal was eaten

whew, eighteen(18!) entrants, including some of each of these: consuelo, Faldage, teD, ASp, tsuwm, Sparteye, dodyskin, musick(!), wofahulicodoc, shona, dxb, WO'N, Fiberbabe, Wordwind, troubador, Alex, milum, and a Really Big Dictionary -- sure hope that adds up..