When I was a kid, my cousins' family vacationed at that lake and brought back a souvenir ashtray featuring that bizarre name. It never failed to fascinate me. Over the years I have often been inspired to attempt to compose a love song featuring that mysterious locale, something along the lines of "Underneath the Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamauggian Moon" but somehow was never able to crank out a suitable effort. After all, what rhymes with Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg??

(Bet the spell-check is going to gag on this one...)

And, yes, "pizzazz" was the word that originally starting me thinking about similar "50%+" words.

(Suspicions confirmed. Instead of Chargoggagogg... (etc.) the spell check suggests that maybe the word I'm searching for is "chariot." A bit of a stretch, what? And the suggested correct spelling of "pizzazz" is "placard"??