I've posted this question on another site and it seems to be going over well so maybe you'll enjoy it.

There are not many words in the English language, 4 letters or longer, where one letter makes up more than 50% of the word. Examples include mummy, fluff, muu-muu, puppy, and the like. The question: What is the L-O-N-G-E-S-T word you can think of that fits this bill?

1. No proper names ("Alabama" doesn't make it)
2. No interjections ("Oooof!" and "Ahaaa!" are likewise out) and
3. Most importantly, while it is probably possible to key in a dozen or so keystrokes and have a list of applicable words spit out in five seconds, the final rule is "Grey matter only, please!"

I've got a 7-letter and a 9-letter example and someone on the other site came up with another 9-letter word (with, in this case, one letter repeated 5 times) though I'm sure there must be more.

Happy pondering!