darling, you just don't know NYC's upper east side, for about 1 mile along 5th avenue, (edge of centeral park) there is a area with the highest per capita income in US (by zip code)
a few years a go, a small imigrant shop keeper decide to open a 24 hour deli (and yes, as all 24 hour deli are, this too, was a korean.

the neighbors were up in arms... a korean deli in there neighborhood? and attempted to have the whole block rezoned!

that area, filled with apartments that rent for $1,000,000 or more a month, (and very few, more are condo or coops, and you almost have to sign away your first born to get in...

ever see the Mel Gibson movie 'ransom'? that neighborhood. and please, nothing so plebian as a 24 hour deli is welcome. bonfire of the vanities was set in the same ghetto. its is a ghetto, because a ghetto, (going back to the italian, is a really a neighborhood, not a slum. )