Ego wall – one's mother, through which no insults nor reality shall pass

Golden ghetto – where the trustafarians live

Hillbilly heroin – ketamine

Wallet biopsy – the unconscious calculations of an upwardly mobile woman on her first date

Metrosexual – the self obsessed intricate couplings of the modern urban twentysomething

Anus envy – the implausible hatred some straight men have towards out and proud queers

Bed blocker – unpleasant side effects of a new cholestoral pill

Bridezilla – the remake of the sequel to the prequel of the remake of a classic b movie ( think Hong Kong New York fusion, New Kong)

Big hair house – 'mainstream-drag' house music, as extemporised by G.A.Y nightclub and similar

Bozo explosion – MTV generation spawning their own little beavis and buttheads
Trustafarian – bedreaded boys and girls whose alternative lifestyle is funded by daddy's trust fund