T. A. Thompson, i don't think Musick responce was a derogatory flaming attack. any one familiar with this site, knows it doesn't have ads- (pop ones, or any other kind.)
either you are unfamiliar with the site, and just barged and and placed your ad (spam) or you know and visit the site, and even though you had never seen an ad here, decided it was OK to place one. (but i did note, you registered just momemts before you placed you ad.)

now, yes, this is the internet and free space... but lets display a bit of netquete here.

You didn't see any guidelines about placing ads, and you took that at permission to go ahead and place one, rather than there are no guidelines, because there are no ads. that this is a dot org, not a dot com should have given you a clue this is not commercial space

you offer further information (upon request) but, you came here, and started this interaction-- we should have to go searching for info.. if you want to interact with us, you are welcome, but if you just want to use this board to place ads, well, i think then its very clear, it is you who are being rude, and not Musick.

you called Musick "some unknown", it is rather you who are the unknown. i "know" musick, because i have for months read his post, and knowing him through his post, i wanted to know him better, and i have met him.

Maybe, i'll get to know you, and met you too, some day.

in the meanwhile, you further weaken your case by mentioning the moderators of this board that should handle the discipline.

if you regularly read, (even if not registered, and not a regular poster,) you would know this board is largely self regulated and moderated. We are not perfect, but we try to avoid problems by nipping them in the bud.

spam, is never welcome, not here, not on most boards of this type. this is not some revelation, it is common knowledge.

you suggest that musick save your "fighting" words for a more appropriate time. when is the most appopriate time to object to spam? isn't immediately?

you might not get a single poem submited, but if you are not careful, we will suck you and make you one of us... we will discuss, and explain, and somewhere along the way, a typo will become a pun, and then the fun will begin.