Damnit to Hell, Musick, it's times like this that I wish my half-mickey-irish, drunken-stereotyped, alcohol-befuddled brain could remember what "ayleurs" means.

Albeit, what I intended to convey in my poorly conceived but yet posted post, was irony.

(A) That by condescending to the kids ignorance we were directing him to a future of certain failure by our lies.

(B) Those soliciting funds with the slogan A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste i.e., the "United Negro College Fund" - would find great offense if you referred to the recipients of your charitable largess as "Negros".

Is that not an ultimate of absurd paradox?

Imperative and fundamental to lifeforms such as we, is to build the best we can on our best constructions of reality, that is, truth.

(Associations. That seems to be my problem when I talk on this board. Oh well.)