Over in the Donut thread, Bean, attempting to clarify, asks if it by the word "cruller", i mean the pastries shaped like "tractor tires"

that threw me for a minute--for me, a tractor is part of tractor-trailer.-- a semi -- the thing shown here in this commercial web page..

but what Bean meant, clearly, was what i would call a "BobCat"-- brand name i tend to use genericaly.
here is an item from BobCat home page -- the best i could find with the tire treds showing clearly,

but the John Deere site had something pretty similar, with the same kind of tires, on what they call a tractor

the Goodyear tire site also has some pictures

So the Point is, what do you call the first vehicle pictured in the first URL? and what kind of vehicle do you think of when you hear tractor?

we covered some of this ground with a Woody-- (a large-ish jeep type wagon, with decorative wooden side panels.. ) but i think --given my thoughts on tractors..

What do think of when you hear

a wagon

a van

a truck

a lorry

a car

a minivan

a pick up

a panal truck

a coupe

a sedan

i think SUV is new enough, that we would agree--

but how about a RV?

and i am sure the are vehicles that i have missed.. (all those mini exurban stuff.. mini tractors (bobcat style))