"Damit tsuwm! Did milum's definition get a vote or not? Grrrrrrrrr..."

What's the opposite of "Yip! Yip!" in dogtalk?

Bark regards,

Edit: milum, the correct spelling is ailanthus, aka "Tree of Heaven," my personal sentiments about said tree aside...

Edit the Edit:

Main Entry: ai·lan·thus
Pronunciation: A-'lan(t)-th&s
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Ambonese ai lanito, literally, tree (of) heaven
Date: 1807
: any of a small Asian genus (Ailanthus of the family Simaroubaceae, the ailanthus family) of chiefly tropical trees and shrubs with bitter bark, pinnate leaves, and terminal panicles of ill-scented greenish flowers

This tree can break up concrete, no joke.