So if "mode" occurs most frequently, it will have the biggest impact on the mean/average, yes?

Please someone - goat (welcome, btw!) or someone! - help me out with a "concrete" example....Say we have a little math test, and these are the results:

MG: 33%
WW: 61% (I'm guessing, okay?! but not with regard to my own mark! I did get that once, on a math test!)
wow: 66%
wwh: 75%
dodyskin: 75%
consuela: 75%
etaoin (hope I spelled that right): 77%
goat: 88%
stales: 95%
inselpeter: 98%

There, that's 10 scores. What is the mean/average, and what is the mode? (I'm guessing the latter is 75%, unless I've got hold of the wrong end of the stick entirely.)

help help, math was never my strong point but I would like to understand these terms, they have always confused me. Maybe that's why I got 52% in Grade 12 math - gaahhhh! (33 1/3% on the Christmas exam, 36 1/3 % on the June exam - I am sure the teacher fudged something to give me a bare pass so he'd never have to see me again!)

Let us go in peace to love and serve the board.