I saw Ted Williams at Fenway Park, sock one over the Green Monster (the big wall at the end of the PArk for non USns)

I well remember the hurahrah that erupted around Ted's being recalled to active duty for service in Korea as a Marine fighter pilot when he had just barely gotten back into the game after his WWII service.
A petition to get Ted's release from the recall from the President of U.S. was promoted and was a very popular idea and was getting started UNTIL Ted Williams himself went to newspapers and on radio and put the kibosh on the effort, saying in effect, "...when my country calls, I will serve."

After he retired (hitting a home run in his last game, last time at bat) he became a world class fly fisherman and is in that Hall of Fame, too!
Williams was also a *tireless *worker for New England's favorite charity - "The Jimmy Fund" - which helps children with cancer. Williams had a brother who died young of cancer.
He was a gentleman, honorable, decent, kind and compassionate and a man who always said exactly what was on his mind. A lover of baseball Ted helped many younger players be their best ... and a man who was an ornament to The National Pastime.