Nice bluff, milum! But it won't snag you my vote! - W'on

Just as I thought Whit-O, you skipped school the day they taught "reverse psychology".

Mine, either. I can tell which one is yours every time! - consuello

Is that true Consue? Well then why don't you vote with the compassion born of your deep insight into my words of trickery and deceit and cast a vote of kindness for my answer. That kind act will demonstrate to all that I am transparent and you, in the hearts of everyone, will then become the one and only real and true winner.

Unless he has put in the same as me (which I doubt) then Milum is most certainly bluffing!! - Rhubarbcommando

Sorry Rhubarb, the Hogmaster has already indicated to me that you and I have sent in the same definition. Both wrong! Witness the letter below to my good friend the Hogmaster.

Dear Hogmaster,

Please disregard the definition that I sent you that was the same as the one that Rhubarb sent. In it's place use the definition I will be sending forth with.

Thanks for the tip,