Of troy, I'll be glad to discuss my behavior any time, but based upon specific data -- which your above post, unlike mine, does not provide --
rather than your sweeping generalizations. Find me one post of mine in the last two weeks that compares in nastiness with those of equalizer
in the last two days.

You posted your collection of my posts seven minutes after I posted my last one to you and you expect us to forgive your evil ways after only two weeks? Think again, Kenny babes.

Psychiatry doesn't depend on data so we don't need data to discuss your behavior, kenny boy. Our hypotheses show that you are indeed unbalanced and a dangerous psychotic and they cannot be simply cast aside as generalizations. You are not just bad for this forum you are a menace to society and something will have to be done about you, won't it?

You bad man. Punishment will come soon.