Well, lets see, in this thread, we have trick 1-- he can't get away with pretending that i agree with him, so he drags out give'm hell harry -- and early this week week who was it? thomas jefferson? and someone else? all dead -- they are safe. they can't complain they are being used.

of course, the whole of the thread is an attempt at trick 5 -- all too often, equalizer has hit the mark, and pointed out keiva's deceit, so best thing to do, is launch an attack on equalizer, and now, to the bargain, he attacks me too, a trick 5 double play! --or is it a triple? so much to plow through, i can't remember if he also attacked piss and moan! --

i've already pointed out, that this thread started with trick 8, and its filled with trick 2, the double standard and part 1 of trick 3 he demands i post chapter and verse when and where he has been nasty, or rude, or unpleasant, and if i do, he will hold out to see what the majority desides.. he has already played the second half of trick 3 by claiming since he doesn't know who equalizer is, there is no way to know if anyone else would agree with equalizer, and he is going to see what the vote is

its simple really.. there is not much to him.. just presto chango, he doesn't really have much of show..

Oh i have go back and edit, i forgot trick 9 quote some poetry, or gilbert and sullivan or anyone, and let them prove your points.. its sort of like trick 1, but looks very different..