Trick! If you want to understand what is going on, you have to realize, Keiva's behaviors are all just a bag of tricks. And the more you know the tricks, the easier you can watch him attempt to pull the wool over your eyes. (Like the magician who directs you to look hereand hope you miss the slight of hand going on here

Trick 1) a kind of switch and bait

Keiva, in an underhanded, deceitful way, uses others. He quotes others to show how he is in agreement with Person X, about the behavior of person Y, when in fact, nothing is further from the truth. He cutting back on this, because every time he does it to me, or to musick or to consuelo, we object.– and he would just as soon not have anyone notice his tricks.

Trick 2)the double standard
When its pointed out, clearly, without resorting to foul language, line by line, how his behavior is underhand, hurtful, rude or an out and out lie, then, keiva just bows out, and says the person who is doing that should sleep on it.. he doesn't apologies, he doesn't stop behaving in a deceitful way, he implies, that person is wrong (with out any of his long, details proof statement {see above}) and he is the injured party. he is hurt by some one point out the truth of his behavior, and that he will kindly let us drop the subject.

Not that he ever drops it, when he thinks someone else has committed a wrong.. no, then its gets harped on, to be 'helpful", he brings it up, again and again.

Trick 3, or maybe just 2 b, crying foul, when none exist.

When some one points out clearly, carefully and politely that he has been harsh or
nasty, he suggest, well, maybe, there is some merit, but he is not sure, and that he is going to wait for the majority to weigh in. if they do, and agree that Keiva's behavior is not pleasant, not nice, not fair, then he cries "foul" and complains."every body is picking on me" "poor me"–so the only "judgement" that he will accept is that he is faultless!

Trick 4, –Lets do the twist!

this is a subtle one.. He attempts to agree, when he really disagrees. And then attempts to get the other party to agree with him..
He sounds oh, so reasonable, and nice, but he is attempting to twist things.. He claims to agree, but he it attempting to get you to agree with what he wants.. You, or any one else in red, Keiva in blue
I don't want X! , of course, you don't have to have X, but i want x, and x is half the size of X, so surely you'll do x, it's a little request, just a small thing.. (and you'll do as i want, not as you want, won't you?) and if you don't cave in, he hauls out the threat.. or implies a threat..

he never quite says the words in italics, but they are there, unspoken, implied, as things can be in English

Trick 5, the best defense is a good offence!

if there is no defense for your actions, attack the person who has outted you.. and try to force them into defending themselves.. Which is how he "defended" ewein's yart, by saying its not fair and haven't i done the same.. Or by pointing out my spelling error when there was nothing else he could argue with in my posts.

trick 6--the implied sexual slur
if it's a woman who has bested you, turn the thread into one about words that reduce woman to sexual anatomical terms. Use trick 1, and quote someone else if you can. That way, you get to blame someone else (i didn't say it, i am just pointed out so and so did!)

trick 7- Change the subject,

not used very often, but if some one, say Jackie, clearly express the pain you have caused her, and speaks of her pain, don't apologizes, or acknowledge, but ignore it (after all he thinks him exempt from the rules he would impose on others.)

Change the subject, and talk about your own pain. he had to go back 10 year, to an incident when there was a shooting at his children's school. he kids were fine, but he was frighted.. and doesn't he deserve sympathy for his pain.. Ignore the pain he has caused Jackie and other, and feel for him.

Trick 8– or is trick 5 B?

When keiva's is losing, he launches a full out attack, with a new thread, and quotes and diagrams, and hopes that no one goes back and reads everything. Because he doesn't quote everything. He picks and chooses..