#3: Re: Piss off Keiva! : Did you copy and paste this quote from somebody else? It could easily be applied to a humorless git like you. And I don't think ModestGoddess or ModGod is her real name. Tut, tut, Keiva babes. Get your facts right. You're losing your touch. Next thing you'll be losing your licence to practice law. Or hasn't that happened already?

Funny. You seem to think that I am female. Why would that be? Have we a little grudge against someone for a reason?
#2: Re: Bliss: [directed at modgod] Seems you've crawled out from under yours [rock] and come back to plague the board again. Funny how you returned just when Keiva destroyed it. What a coincidence.
#1: Re: Bliss: [directed at modgod]: Then listen to your mother and don't say anything at all. In fact just go away. That would be nice.