#9: Re: exam ex am example ample: Even someone as psychotic and braindead as you should be able to come up with a word longer than one letter, Kenny babes. Try doing it without looking in an encyclopedia or a dictionary this time. Or is that the bit you find hard - being original?
#8: Re: The beatings will continue till the morale improv: Is your name Keiva? I think not Kenny boy. Maybe in your head it is but who knows what goes on in that head of yours? Freud would have a field day with you. Some kind of maternally-deprived attention-seeking psychosis, I'll bet.
#7: Graffiti: Is this the best you can do? Quoting toilet graffiti? Sums you up, Keiva babes. Nothing interesting or original to say. But then again. You never did.

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