Okay, my post wasn't perfect, but i did try to relate myrrh to other oils, and why oils were used for cleaning, and why scented oils were especially valualbe for cleaning, and pointed out one oil, lavender oil, (which is still pretty common in soap) actually gots its name from the root word to wash, and i refered to an other word that Dr bill brought up strigil (look up it Latin root... its has a meaning of binding or string for tyeing, strigil being soft, and strangle the same root, to bind firmly.. strain is related too.)

and my word stuff was ignored, and we went off on a perfectly valid language discussion (related to what language was spoken in Egypt.. )

and then we get back to myrrh, but with a familiar twist--
The professor, being professorial, uses a technical term to specify that part, but I suspect that Aristophanes would in fact have used the more earthy, "street-language" of his day. On the other hand, a friend with whom I discussed this felt that the name Myrrhine relates to myrrh.

To check further I contacted a friend in Athens who is a by profession a Greek-English translator. Her
refeerence-books indicate that the word indeed refers to the part of the female anatomy.

HOWEVER, there remains the possibility that there was, in greek, a linguistic connection between the
anatomical word and the substance myrrh. Here my research ends except to note, in support of a possible such connection, that the substance myrrh was used as a base for fragrant oils and perfumes (see definition in bartleby).

now i have dyslexia, and i read those comments(which i did bold parts of, but other wise just copied) , and what i got was, no facts about the word, myrrh, but an inuendo, that myrrh was just another word to degrade women.. he couldn't prove it.. but he put the idea out there.. have you noticed how every thread is reduced to sexual inuendo, and degrading woman? or attempting to degrade women?

Mind you, he clames come here to talk about words, and what words? degrading terms for women. not the first time, and most likely not the last.

so, boy, do have a problem with women? is your purpose here to find new words to use, to call women by anatomical, insulting terms? it does seem to be a pattern. first, you are sweet, and befriend the women, and then, once they have opened up, and started to trust you, you turn on them, and insult, and blame them..

as has been pointed out, you presumed that one of the newly name old times was a woman. but of course. bullies like women. they are easier to pick on. but i know your tricks, boy, and as you trot them out, i'll point them out.

when a woman makes an interesting, educated word post, you counter, how ever possible, clearly or tangentally, with a post about words that are used to reduce woman to their anatomical sexual characteristics. Mind you never say this woman or that woman is a c***, oh, no, you are much to refined.. No you wouldn't do that, but Aristophanes would, and you just want to point it out, you know, helpful like.

Reader, watch for this trick. and watch for his other tricks..how he pretends he is in agreement with others by using their names, how when his trick are layed bare he goes on the attack (after all the best defence is a good offense) learn his tricks. and learn, there is nothing to him but tricks..