your post is a responce to mine.. is that because you post in a flat mode? or is it directed at me, and my response to Musick?

i resonded to musicks post, because i don't respond flat, but rather threaded. you seem to know your way around BB's, but i don't know who you think is being bellicose.(because i don't know what pattern you use to post-- that is somethin most of us try to make clear.

who starts a war (bellicose is warlike isn't it?) the person who fires the first shot? or the person who defends them selves? and how does one identify the first shot? how do you know a shot has been fired? where does any one draw the line in the sand and say, this is ok, but past here is war? My questions are mostly rhetorical, and i hope they open up a discussion. in another thread (caparthian i think,) some one mentioned the 1957 hungarian uprising.. were the hungarians bellicose? they did take to the streets, and attempt to overthrow the government.. and were resoundly crushed for their efforts..

just wondering.... a ways back, we had a thread on Indian history.. (but recent discussion i had with someone on Mary Queen of Scot will work, or my ongoing discussion i have with a friend on the Spanish inquisition would work..)

which history is to be believed? the English history of Indian Mutanies? or the Indian history of The First War for Independance (going i think up to the 4th war for independance, in the 1940's )

was poor Mary Queen of Scot murdered by her trecherous cousin Elizabeth? or was Elizabeth force to defend her self from Mary's trechery, and Mary's plot to over throw her?

as a Catholic, i was taught about Good Queen Isabela of Spain, who drove the Moors out(in the late 1400's) but the Sephardic Jew have a very different view of history, --first she robbed from them, then she expelled them, or executed them... I suspect they don't think of her as "good" and knowing more history, i have to question the history that was taught to me. Its very difficult for me to see Isabella as Good!
is tyrany now a banned word on this site? or is it that the word administrator is bellicose?

i have use the word you a number of times.. at no time is this directed at SilkMuse. (or is someone else has posted, the post on top of this) i replied flat, (that is i tacked this on to the last thing posted at the time i started.) but getting back to the word you, it is a rhetorical device. i have edited out about half of them, and i know if i start rewriting everything, i will make even more typos. i sometimes end up sounding strident, when i am going for empassioned! if i have slipped over to the strident side.. i will try again..