Ah, boronia, you do remind me....a roomful of students just beginning to learn the recorder, hooting away dolefully at exactly that song!

Angel, I think you are right. Certainly the song shows up in that wretched God-awful scum-sucking excuse for a "Canadian" movie, Men With Brooms (o God, please nobody go and see it, it's just awful - I went because I had a free pass and I was soooo glad I hadn't paid for it). It's quite lovely really (the song, not the movie!), if a bit dirge-like in melody:

Land of the silver birch, home of the beaver
Where still the mighty moose wanders at will
Blue lake and rocky shore, I will return once more
Boom diddy boom-boom boom diddy boom-boom boom diddy boom-boom-boom

Okay, the boom-diddies are a bit of a laugh!

Reminds me of a moment I take some pride in, because I was actually witty on the spot! I was at a meeting, and during the inevitable socializing beforehand, someone revealed that a prostitute ring was recently busted near her and her husband's cottage (so first I made a joke about her admiring all the pretty red lanterns the neighbours had up!). Then we had the meeting....then at a break, the subject came up again, and someone who hadn't heard the original discussion, asked where the prostitute ring had been?

Me: Near Michele's cottage.
Him: You could sing a song about that - Land of the silver birch....But you'd have to rewrite it.
Me: No you wouldn't - the next line, after all, is "home of the beaver".....