I feel it is destructive to air publicly any views relating to this

Then why did you? Destructive intent?

Kenny boy! You're back!! Am I glad to see you because I'd thought you were gone. But now you're back and I can have fun with you again!

But wait! Is that frustration I can sense from you again? What's your problem, Kenny? Why do you have so much frustration inside you? Is life so frustrating that you have to come here to vent your anger and wrath? Why is that, I wonder?

Problems at home? No? Oh, Kenny. It's not a problem in the bedroom, is it? Kenny can't quite perform? Mommy won't let daddy interface? So instead you come here to seem important (instead of staying at home and being impotent) and take it out on all the nice people here. What a shame. There are a lot of nice doctors who can help you with your physical and mental problems but they cost money, don't they? And this place is free. So you keep coming back here to make yourself feel better. But you don't do you? You just keep getting sicker and sicker and your stubborness prevents you from seeking some serious help. Well, too bad for you and too bad for all of us. Your sickness hinders us all but it doesn't need to, Kenny boy. Get some help and then come back here when you get better and we'll all be friends, won't we people?

If you don't get help then we'll just have to go on like this, won't we? And that's not a good idea. Oh, but maybe this frustration is the way that you 'perform'? Is this the only way you can get off, Kenny? Does it feel good after a heated argument? I bet it does. So you need this bitter pill to sustain you. You need to feel the pain of this forum to get a high, a rush and a thrill. To you this forum is like watching porn, isn't it? And it gives you your five minute thrill which you can't get elsewhere.

But that's enough for you in your empty life.