Isaac Asimov told a story that I was never sure if he was telling it on himself or on the English professor.

Isaac Asimov was sitting in on a college English class that was discussing one of his books. The professor was going on and on about what the author meant and Asimov was sitting in the back shaking his head in bewilderment. After the class was over, Asimov went up and introduced himself to the professor and commented that when he was writing the book he had none of what the professor said about it in mind. The professor told Asimov what a pleasure it was to meet him but said that "just because you wrote it what makes you think you have any idea what it was about?"

If you think about the volume of work that Isacc Asimov put out you realize that there is no way he could put a lot of time into analyzing what he had written. Anything the professor was attributing to the meaning of the work would have been entirely on the subconscious level for Asimov.