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Dear >()<
_____ ^

Hehhehheh! You highhats with your highhanded manners think
that you can withhold your nice double H words from the working man and his highly ethnic friends of pathhypongathous habits that you find so distasteful. For you I have these questions...

(1) Why is it that you can have a bathhouse by the pool and we can't have a double -h washhouse at the plant?
(2) Why is it that if you want to go somewhere all you have to do is hitchhike, and we can't even hitchhope a ride to town?
(3) Why can't hashheads in Turkey go to a proper hashhouse? One that is spelled with the royal double -h.
(4) You go on witchhunts; Why can't witches go on witchhaunts?
(5) If you call our neighborhood the pariahhood, can we call yours the pettyposhhood?
(6) If you people get to enjoy your beachhouses, give the hoochinoo indians back thier hoochhouses where they brewed a fleshhued grain called hurl into a passable beer. They found the long peachhued ends of the grain ideal for sweeping up the hoochhouse floors. Today this part of the grain is called highhurl, and it is imported from Mexico and used as broomcorn in all natural fiber brooms on the market today.

My advice to you richhooders: Get off your highhorses! Now!
Humphho! and good night!

- mw.