Does the butcher's shop get an accent?

No. Normally the second-last vowel of a word is stressed in Italian. That's the case for macelleria, too.

There are lots of words where this doesn't apply, though. In these words, the accent is often included in the spelling of the word: university = universitą, down = gił, coffee = caffé. Dictionaries have different ways of indicating which syllable gets the accent in Italian. I think that wherever Faldage found it might have been the sort of dictionary which indicates accented syllable with an accent above the stressed vowel. (My dictionary does this too, and it is confusing. My textbook, on the other hand, puts a dot under the stressed vowel when it's not the expected one, so you don't get it confused with an accent that's not supposed to be there!)

Anyway, I looked it up in my dictionary, no accent.