The only other names that I can find are- young offender institutions, special hospitals, regional secure units and prison psychiatric units - so we don;t seem to have a word that separates those on short sentences from those on long sentences, although there are various shades of prisons. Mybe it is just because we don't have a separate state and federal legal system.

Whilst looking around for information, I found the following comments which I had not appreciated before.

“The U.S. has both the largest prison population and the highest rate of incarceration in the world, including China and Russia. The U.S. incarcerates people at a rate more than 15 times that of Japan, and its prison population is more than eight times that of Italy, France, the UK, Spain, and Australia combined."

“No other democracy besides the US. disenfranchises convicted offenders for life. Many democratic nations, including Denmark, France, Israel and Poland, permit prisoners to vote as well.”