No more befitting day could have been the one for your entrance into this world breaking out of its chills and shivers into full spring than May 1st, the outrageous, lusty month and our Helen, stepping boldly and lustily, too, into spring just propogating itself everywhere we look and Helen, just enjoying every animated love scene she sees, and taking it all down in her sweet head that has launched at least a thousand ideas here on this board, not to mention the ships of lore that went to war. Ah, would be fun just to continue to run-on...

But, Helen, happy birthday! I cannot think of a better day than the first of May that could have opened its bright doors to your entrance here. Hope you have a succulent feast to celebrate the occasion and a huge devil's food cake with homemade fudge icing, and a little left over of the devil's food cake to send to DubDub...not that I'm begging or anything...

Birthday regards,