Of course, we all know it was cos she couldn't find a space ta park her high horse.

A horse is a horse, of course, of course. Especially when you breed it, saddle it, teach it to trot, hand the bridle over to an unsuspecting *suspect and slap the thing on the arse while yellin "yeee-haaaw" at the top'o yer mourning.

ModGod - When you can take the pebble from my hand you may leave, grasshopper...

After that, Dr Bill started asken meself and Goldilocks ta sing fer him.

After such an underwhelmingly *moderate response to the ludo lovely, I'll be missing the opportunity to sing in that trio. I sure hope she realizez it was yer horse, G-Ted, and that it would have jumped off the cliff if ya hadn't of stepped in at the last minute and sung yer sweet lullaby.

I commend yer gentlemenly approach to the whole issue! Besides, what wood fun be without games?