Howya Modest

Ya see, it all started when meself and MadDogTed decided ta play a April Fool's prank on Goldilocks (check me profile fer details on her).

Anyways, we sent her a email tellen her that she got a job of moderater on AWAD. She fell fer it and ya've read the result (furst post in this thread).

Then when no one was taken her seriesly, she resigned sayen that she got a better job somewhere else. Of course, we all know it was cos she couldn't find a space ta park her high horse.

After that, Dr Bill started asken meself and Goldilocks ta sing fer him. Ta be honest, I got a bit lost at this pint meself, but I played along just ta humour him and all the other loonyboonies that posted after him. Mabee he has his eye on Loxy or somethin.

I'll tell ya, modestgoddess, sometimes I think I'm the only one around here with any since - and me just a little teddy bear.

Hope this answers yer qurey
