I'm looking forward to hearing her new album - have heard part of one song on the radio and that's all so far....

But Hev's post reminded me of some more fave lines, also Alanis, from Hand in Pocket - mostly just the chorus, when she keeps saying, "Everything is just fine fine fine" and "It's quite all right." People have accused Jagged Little Pill of being a depressing and angry album. I'm wondering if those people even LISTENED to it?! it has some of the most positive, upbeat songs I've ever heard.

Can't resist adding more lines, but these are from Dar Williams:

And I look up to the people who are less bought than I,
You can show them what you're selling,
and they'll only ask you why.
Their paycheques don't have lots of zeros,
They're my friends and they're my heroes.
And the tv sets are angry cause they just can't make them pay
But I like the way these people read the signs and walk away.
(from Bought and Sold)

Dammit, I just can't write all the lyrics of hers that I love here - I'd never get to bed! If anyone is interested, check out her album End of the Summer - especially the songs If I Wrote You, My Friends, What Do You Hear In These Sounds, Are You Out There, Party Generation, It's a War In There, and Road Buddy. (The first three I listed are my faves but the whole album is excellent - such a thoughtful songwriter.)

I luuuurrrrve this thread - have been enjoying reading other people's choices as well as posting my own! [blissful-e]