Re:I enjoy the Easter egg hunt...

Oh its been a while! have you any for W2K? or MS office profressional suite XP edition? after all it is easter week!

For those of you who are unaware, a computer easter egg is a bit of coding a bored programmer has added to an application.

One old example was in MS Word (Office 97!) if you typed zzzz, that is 4 z's, (not 2, or 3!) and ran it through the spell check, as an alternate word, it suggested sex--!

easter eggs are named because one of the first created an easter (decorated, colored) egg, that opened, and a rabbit came out. one common use of easter eggs is to list the names of all the programmers that have worked on a project. but some are fun! there was a great one in Excel a few years ago, that mimic a flight simulator routine!